Google Cloud launched the highly anticipated C4 machine series, powered by the latest Intel Xeon Scalable processors (5th Gen Emerald Rapids). These machines set a new industry-leading performance standard for both Google Compute Engine (GCE) and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) customers. C4 VMs deliver exceptional performance improvements, designed for the most performance-sensitive workloads, offering up to a 25% price-performance improvement over previous-generation general-purpose VMs, C3 and N2.

Verve, a creator of digital advertising solutions, integrated C4 into their core infrastructure and saw remarkable results, with a 37% performance improvement. For Verve, C4 isn't just about better performance; it fuels their revenue growth.

Verve's ad bidding marketplace is incredibly latency and performance-sensitive. About 95% of traffic hitting their GKE-based marketplace isn't revenue-generating, as the average ad fill-rate is only 5-7%. Increased performance or reduced latency significantly impacts their business. The more performance Verve gets from GKE, the more revenue they generate, as the ad fill-rate grows exponentially.

Verve evaluated C4 by running their main application on different node types and measuring two values: vCPU performance per ad request and spot price. The results showed C4 offered the best performance.

In addition to C4, Verve leveraged GKE Gateway, resulting in a 20-25% latency improvement and a 7.5% revenue increase. GKE Gateway also allowed them to save significantly on compute costs.

In short, Verve's success demonstrates how C4 and GKE Gateway can help companies achieve significant performance gains, reduce costs, and increase revenue.