Google Threat Intelligence and Google Cloud Security have launched the latest edition of their "Introduction to Threat Intelligence and Attribution" course, now available on-demand through Mandiant Academy.

What I found particularly interesting is the course's focus on differentiating between small-"a" attribution, which clusters together similar threat activity characteristics, and big-"A" attribution, which overlays those characteristics with elements of identification and organizational sponsorship. Often, cybersecurity practitioners can get caught up in the technical aspects of threat attribution, overlooking the importance of understanding the broader context of attacks.

By breaking down the attribution process in this way, the course provides a more holistic framework for threat analysis. This can help organizations not only identify the actors behind cyberattacks but also understand their motivations and ultimate objectives. This information is crucial for developing effective mitigation strategies and allocating resources appropriately.

Furthermore, the course's inclusion of modules on operational and strategic intelligence is particularly valuable. These two aspects of threat analysis are often overlooked but are essential for understanding the bigger picture of malicious activity. By examining the sponsorship motivations behind cyberattacks, organizations can gain insights into the broader geopolitical landscape and the factors driving cyber threats.

Overall, the "Introduction to Threat Intelligence and Attribution" course is a valuable addition to the Mandiant Academy library. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the concept of attribution and offers practical insights that organizations can use to enhance their threat analysis capabilities. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in learning more about threat attribution or looking to improve their threat analysis skills.