Google Cloud has published its Cloud CISO Perspectives focusing on improving the resilience of cyber-physical systems. Anton Chuvakin, Senior Security Consultant in Google Cloud’s Office of the CISO, offers 10 leading indicators to improve these systems, guided by an analysis of the White House’s new PCAST report. These indicators are designed to help organizations shift from lagging to leading indicators, which focus on predictive factors and proactive measures to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities before they are exploited. Among these indicators are: hard-restart recovery time, cyber-physical modularity, internet denial and communications resilience, manual operations, control-pressure index, software reproducibility, preventative maintenance levels, inventory completeness, stress-testing vibrancy, and common-mode failures and dependencies. These aim to build systems that are more secure, adaptable, and capable of recovering quickly from disruptions.
10 Leading Indicators for Cyber-Physical Systems Resilience
Google Cloud