Google has released security updates on testing your LLMs differently in its latest Cyber Snapshot Report. The report focuses on the growing security risks posed by web-based LLM applications, such as prompt injections and insecure output handling.

What I found particularly interesting was the emphasis on the probabilistic nature of LLMs. While traditional web applications are deterministic, where the same input always produces the same output, LLMs are probabilistic, meaning the same prompt can lead to different outputs each time. This presents a unique security challenge, as it is difficult to predict or fully control how an LLM will behave.

I also appreciated the report's focus on the importance of proactive penetration testing as a means of uncovering vulnerabilities in LLM applications. This type of testing can help organizations better understand potential risks and take steps to mitigate them.

Overall, I believe this report highlights some important security considerations for organizations looking to adopt LLMs. By understanding the risks and taking appropriate precautions, organizations can reap the benefits of this powerful technology while minimizing the risks involved.